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Curio's Coloring the World Worksheets!

Summer is here, and so are Curio's new Coloring the World Coloring Sheets! Inspired by the book "Colorear el Mundo" from our Bud Box 5, we hope you continue the joy of this delightful book with our activity sheets. Explore and learn about the different continents of the world while having fun in multiple languages. 

Check out these follow-up questions in all four languages to spark conversations about our world at home.


¿Cuál es el país de origen de tu familia? (What is your family's country of heritage?) 
¿Alguna vez haz visitado otro estado o país? Si es así, ¿Cuál? ¿Quieres visitar a otros? (Have you ever visited another state or country? If so which one? Would you like to visit others?)
Con tus padres, busca diferentes lugares famosos en cada continente (With your parents, look up different famous landmarks in each continent)
¿Puedes identificar los países de herencia de alguno de tus amigos? (Can you identify the countries of heritage of any of your friends?)
¿Puedes identificar los lugares donde tiene lugar alguno de los libros, programas o películas que te gustan? (Can you spot the places where any of the books, shows or movies you like take place?)
Quel est le pays d'origine de votre famille ? (What is your family's country of heritage?) 
Avez-vous déjà visité un autre État ou pays ? Si oui lequel ? Aimeriez-vous rendre visite aux autres?  (Have you ever visited another state or country? If so which one? Would you like to visit others?)
Avec tes parents, recherche différents monuments célèbres sur chaque continent (With your parents, look up different famous landmarks in each continent)
Pouvez-vous identifier les pays d'origine de l'un de vos amis ? (Can you identify the countries of heritage of any of your friends?)
Pouvez-vous repérer les endroits où se déroulent les livres, émissions ou films que vous aimez? (Can you spot the places where any of the books, shows or movies you like take place?)
(Nǐ de jiā rén láizì nǎge guójiā?)
Where is your family originally from?

(Nǐ qùguò qítā zhōu huò guójiā ma? Rúguǒ qùguò, qù de shì nǎge guójiā? Nǐ xiǎng qù qítā guójiā ma?)
Have you ever visited another state or country? If so which one? Would you like to visit others?
(Hé bàba māmā yīqǐ, zhǎo zhǎo kàn měi gè dàzhōu yǒu shénme zhùmíng de dìbiāo)
With your parents, look up different famous landmarks in each continent.

(Nǐ zhīdào nǐ de péngyǒu shì láizì nǎge guójiā ma?)
Can you identify the countries of heritage of any of your friends?
(Nǐ néng zhǎo dào nǐ xǐhuān de shū, jiémù huò diànyǐng shì zài nǎlǐ fāshēng de ma?)
Can you spot the places where any of the books, shows or movies you like take place?
(Nǐ de jiā rén láizì nǎge guójiā?)
Where is your family originally from?

(Nǐ qùguò qítā zhōu huò guójiā ma? Rúguǒ qùguò, qù de shì nǎge guójiā? Nǐ xiǎng qù qítā guójiā ma?)
Have you ever visited another state or country? If so which one? Would you like to visit others?

(Hé bàba māmā yīqǐ, zhǎo zhǎo kàn měi gè dàzhōu yǒu shénme zhùmíng de dìbiāo)
With your parents, look up different famous landmarks in each continent.

(Nǐ zhīdào nǐ de péngyǒu shì láizì nǎge guójiā ma?)
Can you identify the countries of heritage of any of your friends?

(Nǐ néng zhǎo dào nǐ xǐhuān de shū, jiémù huò diànyǐng shì zài nǎlǐ fāshēng de ma?)
Can you spot the places where any of the books, shows or movies you like take place?
Color the 7 Continents and Trace in Spanish
Color the 7 Continents and Trace in Traditional Chinese
Color the 7 Continents and Trace in Simplified
Color the 7 Continents and Trace in French