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Curio's Summer Language Adventure: Engage and Explore with our Activity Sheets!

Summer is here! We're excited to share three fun tracing activities in Spanish, Traditional Chinese, and Simplified Chinese. These worksheets feature popular summer words, helping kids improve fine motor skills and learn new vocabulary.

Scroll down to download and print!

Spanish Curio Summer worksheetSimplified Chinese Summer WorksheetTradtional Chinese Summer Worksheet

To further enrich the learning experience, we encourage you to engage your children by asking them three follow-up questions about summer in each language.


  • ¿Qué te gusta hacer en verano? (What do you enjoy doing in the summer?)
  • ¿Cuál es tu lugar favorito para vacacionar? (What is your favorite vacation spot?)
  • ¿Prefieres la playa o la piscina? ¿Por qué? (Do you prefer the beach or the swimming pool? Why?)

Traditional Chinese:

  • 夏天你喜歡做什麼?(What activities do you like to do in the summer?) (Xià tiān nǐ xǐhuān zuò shénme?)
  • 你最喜歡的度假地點是哪裡?(What is your favorite vacation destination?) (Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de dùjià dìdiǎn shì nǎlǐ?)
  • 你更喜歡沙灘還是游泳池?為什麼?(Do you prefer the beach or the swimming pool? Why?) (Nǐ gèng xǐhuān shātān háishì yóuyǒngchí? Wèishéme?)

    Simplified Chinese:

    • 夏天你喜欢做什么?(What activities do you enjoy in the summer?) (Xià tiān nǐ xǐhuān zuò shénme?)
    • 你最喜欢的度假地点是哪里?(What is your favorite vacation destination?)( Nǐ zuì xǐhuān de dùjià dìdiǎn shì nǎlǐ?)
    • 你更喜欢沙滩还是游泳池?为什么?(Do you prefer the beach or the swimming pool? Why?) (Nǐ gèng xǐhuān shātān háishì yóuyǒngchí? Wèishéme?)

    Remember, language acquisition thrives with consistency. So, alongside our tracing activities, let's make this summer a season of language exploration and connection. Don't miss out on the chance to nurture your child's linguistic skills and have a fantastic time together!

    Spanish Summer Tracing Worksheet
    Simplified Chinese Summer Tracing Worksheet
    Traditional Chinese Summer Tracing Worksheet